Monday, December 8, 2008


Yesterday (Sunday) my sweet husband made us a big breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon, his country ham, home fries and toast. It tasted great and we both enjoyed it very much.

We decided to take a ride over to Camping World in Kissimmee, Florida, to see if we could find filters for the in-coming water. We did not find what we needed but did find bicycles for each of us. With staying here at TT for the winter we will get much use out of them. The only problem is that they only had one in stock and the other one should arrive in about two weeks. I got a good deal on them as the original price was $209, the sale price was $179 and they let me have the two for $299. Another good thing about these bikes is that the fold up and fit in the back of the car.

Today we went to Lakeland, Florida, and had lunch at Golden Corral with the Holiday Rambler 400 Club. We joined this group in 2007 when in Du Quion, Illinois, at the Holiday Rambler International Rally. There were 34 people there for lunch with most of them having known each other for many years. We knew a few and enjoyed meeting others. We will continue to go to the luncheons once a month while here in Florida.

We then stopped by RV Connections to set up an appointment to have the refrigerator serviced and have them order the doors. We will take the moho over for them to look at it on 12/18 and then put it in storage while we are back in Virginia for almost two weeks.

It is hard to believe that Christmas is only 17 days away.

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