Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pocahontas State Park, Chesterfield, VA.

October 10 - 18. We arrived in Chesterfield, VA., about 1 pm and headed directly to Pocahontas State Park. this park is just over a mile from my mother and sisters house and we like it a lot as it is well layed out and so very convenient for us to come and go. We were at my sisters at 2. We found out what the agenda was for Friday Night and then went back to finish setting up the RV and changing clothes so that we looked human. We went to the funeral home and spent a short time there visiting family. They all looked tired and needed to go get some rest. We came back by Brian and Dana's house. They moved into it in March after Jenna was born in January. What a place!!!!!

On Saturday, the funeral went very well with Military Honors. At the reception of the remaining 12 cousins there were 11 there. It is the first time in about 35 years that we have all been in the same place at the same time. It was great and we all got acquainted with each other.

Sunday we went to my cousin Mary's for a birthday party for Aunt Lizzie. It was great to see my cousins and get to know their children. Susan, from Illinois, was going to stay the week with her mother but her family had to leave for the long drive back to their rented home. Their house was completely destroyed during the spring floods along the Mississippi River. She and her husband, Bob, are trying to figure out what they are going to do about living arrangements from here on. Suzy, our prayers are with you and know that we are here to help out with whatever you need.

On Tuesday morning, we went to Ironbridge Medical Center for a doctor appointment. We have decided to change from California to Virginia as we do not know exactly when we will be back in California and this way we can get what we need while here.

Thursday night I went to meet with friends Cindy and Dennis McKay and their three adorable children, Morgan (5), Carter (3) and Madison (7 weeks). I have not seen them in a very long time and have longed for this day. I knew about Morgan but was, for sure, very surprised to find out about the other two children but am very happy for all of them. I did enjoy seeing them all and wish them the best and hope that we can continue to communicate. Thank you, Cindy for allowing me this time.

The rest of the week was spent with my family. We went over to see Lori and Dave’s house that they are building. Hopefully they will be in it within the next month; but, for sure by Christmas. Dave and Lori, you have done a great job and the work is something for you to be very proud of.

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