Saturday, March 1, 2008

Practice Day

Today has been a day for me to do some practicing of the things that I learned at the FMCA Rally. I had gone to the Microwave/Convection Oven seminar and decided today was the day to try and make a roast using the slow cook part of the convection oven. I bought a small roast because it is just Russ and I here to eat and proceeded to follow directions that were given to us. The roast turned out magnificient and with the potatoes and carrots was a great dinner.

I then decided to test my hand at some bite size brownies. I have never been a cook so this will be experimental for me.

Late in the afternoon I took a ride down to the lower end of the park and by the fishing pond. I found a gentleman fishing down there and he said that he had caught and released 16 catfish yesterday using worms. I did get a couple of pictures of him with his catches.

About 6:30 pm we went to the Adult Clubhouse to play cards and found that there was another group there having a potluck, and another group having a tournament card game. We were able to get 2 tables to play hand and foot while Russ, Darol Ruffner and Joe Gower played pool. We all had a good time. Watched a little TV once we got home and then off to bed for a good nights sleep.

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